Moon Phases: Waning Crescent Part II- Communication through Touch

autumn moments (1)

Greetings beloveds,

The Moon is 7% illuminated in its’ waning crescent phase and has moved from Taurus into Gemini. When the Moon is in Gemini this brings with it an inquisitive social energy to the time we spent in Taurus building our internal and external value. We want to talk and share with each other. To find ways to connect so that we are able to understand ourselves and the world around us better. How do we do this? Through word of mouth? Or perhaps a meeting with our loved ones? Gemini would lead us to connect via technology so I leave you with this for today. Find those that make you laugh, feel deep love, and think. Set up a time to discuss with them what has been on your mind.

In this age of social media we do not always make the shift from connecting online to in person. Neither connection is better or greater than the other although in person does offer the added benefit of possible physical interaction through touch. Touch with proper consent, is a powerful form of communication, healing and information exchange. With our skin being the largest organ in our body when we come together through touch we gain a unique opportunity to bring our souls together. Our souls and experiences share information with our subconscious creating drives and desires. Some we are aware of, others we are not. This is our form of internal communication which can be achieved through dreams, meditation, and mindfulness. Luckily there are millions of online meditations that we can use to connect with our souls and bodies. Or perhaps one of these external relationships is with someone who can engage in breathing and internal connection.

Quiet yourself and feel for the signs.

Connect with your friends and speak freely.

Connect with your higher self and receive the guidance.

The Moon never leave us and neither does our wisdom. We just have to be open to receiving it.

With love,


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