Let Them Thunder, For I am Lightening: The Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction

In between the Eclipses and Venus going into the Underworld, we have this lovely moment of Jupiter and Uranus coming together. These are years of great transformation. The stories that make up our lives though are like spiral staircases. They curl around themselves allowing us the ability to move forward and backward.

Aries energy has been quite strong for since March. With Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and the North Node still in the sign of the Ram, Aries has no intention of letting up on us any time soon.

To see how the planets are personally impacting you order a TRANSIT REPORT.

Taurus is the second sign of the western zodiac. After the explosion of fire that brings new life (or takes it), it is vital that that energy that has been released is grounded in a way where it can be nurtured, taken care, and given the attention needed to flourish. Taurus as fixed Earth, does just that. Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus acts as the grounding force behind the passionate fury of Mars ruled Aries. In their perpetual dance, Mars and Venus follow one another. First through Aries and Taurus, then through Libra and Scorpio.

Venus speaks to the sensual nature of Taurus. Sensuality refers to:

1relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite FLESHLY

2SENSORY sense 1


a: devoted to or preoccupied with the senses or appetites


c: deficient in moral, spiritual, or intellectual interests 

Whereas Aries phrase is “I am”, Taurus says, “I have”. Taurus perspective, the information that we receive from the world around us that we it is able to understand life. This information activates the senses. From our sensory organs, we take this data and mentally interpret it. This includes identifying that something exists and what that thing is. We also begin to attach feelings to that experience. We begin to understand what is and is not for us. From there we must decide what we will keep and what we are open to receive.

During this conjunction be present and aware of where you are in order to intentionally direct where you want to be.

Saturday/Sunday, April 20-21st Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct at 21 degrees in the sign of Taurus. As Jupiter amplifies energy and Uranus activates long term change.

Take note of where this conjunction falls in your natal chart. Specifically what house this will impact. That is where you will feel this energy the most.

Jupiter asks for us to have faith in the unexpected and unknown. Coming in and blessing you with a bit of luck, just when you need it.

You’ve more than likely been feeling the impact of Uranus in Taurus for a minute. Where have you experienced any changes in your life towards your idea of self-worth, values, and your identity?

List your characteristics. The things that you like, dislike, work roles, family roles, friendship roles, archetypes you align with, habits, etc.

Now go through these and identify which ones you were conditioned to believe you should be and which one’s align with who you feel you truly are.

Jupiter is associated with the number 3, so take three characteristics from this list and then name three circumstances that you are currently experiencing.

Now, where would you like to experience MORE?

More love, more money, more ease, more alignment? Let whatever it is that you would like to focus on receiving more be your main focus during this transit.

You can meditate, say a prayer, journal, perform a ritual or just speak out loud your desires. Do what works best for you. The best astrological work is the work that gets done. So don’t overwhelm yourself with more then what you will accomplish.

This conjunction is a beautiful Segway into the beauty of Taurus season. Take this time to rest and ground, because May is when things get really *spicey*.

To work with me visit: https://theblissinstitute.as.me/schedule/1d0ad397

With love,

Kamilah Rose

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