Let Them Thunder, For I am Lightening: The Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction

In between the Eclipses and Venus going into the Underworld, we have this lovely moment of Jupiter and Uranus coming together. These are years of great transformation. The stories that make up our lives though are like spiral staircases. They curl around themselves allowing us the ability to move forward and backward. Aries energy hasContinue reading "Let Them Thunder, For I am Lightening: The Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction"

Venus and Mars: A Dance Among the Stars

Hello there,On Wednesday, February 21-23 we will be experiencing a Venus and Mars conjunction or joining in Aquarius. This energy mirrors that of the Venus retrograde in Leo from the summer of 2023. Venus and Mars operate in cycles. Venus in an 8-year cycle, forming a loose pentagram, and Mars in a roughly 2-year cycle.Continue reading "Venus and Mars: A Dance Among the Stars"

Swallowing Our Past: The Chiron and North Node Conjunction in Aries

On February 19, 2024, there will be a conjunction between Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and the North Node in Aries. This means that Chiron will also oppose the South Node in Libra. This post will provide various perspectives on the definitions of the North Node and the South Node in astrology and in application toContinue reading "Swallowing Our Past: The Chiron and North Node Conjunction in Aries"

Fall Equinox Transformation Ritual

Autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere calls us to slow down and go within. To bundle up and spend time with loved ones as we celebrate the time that has passed, dream of our futures, and put plans into place. Purchase the Detailed Ritual Here During the Virgo new moon we reviewed our deepest desires.Continue reading "Fall Equinox Transformation Ritual"

The Shadow: Transform – Transmute

Hi Lovies, In my work with the shadow. Getting to know it, to understand how it functions and serves us as part of the personality. The shadow as defined by Jung is: A moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable effort. Bringing the shadowContinue reading "The Shadow: Transform – Transmute"

Mars: A Time to Be Brave

Hello lovies, Tuesday is Mars day and it seems appropriate to take time to write about our planet of life, passion, and honorable endings today. As of writing this, Venus retrograde in Leo ended on the 4th. We all examined our relationship with ourselves to gain clarity on what WE want, need, and can provideContinue reading "Mars: A Time to Be Brave"

11 Things to Focus on During Jupiter Retrograde

Venus also governs Taurus and Jupiter has recently gone retrograde in you guessed it, the sign of Taurus. Venus is and always will be that girl. She's got a lot going on. This Jupiter retrograde takes us back to early spring 2023. Jupiter is letting us revisit this time so that as we enter theContinue reading "11 Things to Focus on During Jupiter Retrograde"

Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation and Information

Hi lovies, Welcome to our prep for the full moon in Aquarius meditation. I’m Kamilah Rose a mindfulness coach, yoga teacher, and spiritual adviser. You can find the meditation to follow here: Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation. Before we begin, I would like to add some context to the full moon in Aquarius. This year,Continue reading "Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation and Information"

Venus Retrograde: The Underworld Calls

Hi Lovies, In tarot, the Devil represents our attachments that we have consciously and unconsciously agreed to. These can be values, beliefs, behaviors, or roles placed upon us by our family or community, but they can also be those that we have created over time. The key here, is that while we may have beenContinue reading "Venus Retrograde: The Underworld Calls"

Shadow Cycles

Greetings lovies, This unwritten post has been sitting in my drafts for the last month. I would stare at the screen unsure of what to write. Scared to put into words here all of the things I've been thinking and feeling. It's almost like writing it down here makes it real. Winter solstice 2022, IContinue reading "Shadow Cycles"