Moon Phases: The Last Quarter

autumn moments (1)

Greetings beloveds,

Today marks the last quarter of the moons’ 28 day cycle. We are officially in the last stretch before we move into the dark of the moon. As I meditated last night on the moon as an active principle I found that I was called to look at healing and herbs. To heal we must make the decision that it is time for a change. Change is not easy. It requires that we look deep within ourselves and decide what energy we would like our lives, bodies, spirit, mind, and heart to hold.  What does the moon encourage us to heal? This will be different for everyone as the moon is a personal planet which speaks to our subconscious needs and desire.

I’ve found I felt called to look at love towards myself and my physical form. Since harming my back I’ve been much more aware of my body. How it moves, feels, and the signals that it sends me. I have to value my body just as much as I do my mind and heart. I tend to ignore my body because of years of negative external criticism and internal self-talk. My body has drawn unwanted attention where my mind has always been a safe space for me to create and thrive. Yet, without my body I would have nothing to contain my mind. I am going to change how I approach, think about, and treat my body. Luckily there are plenty of resources such as this one from Alchemy-Works ( which lists several herbs related to the moon.

I plan to use these essential oils, herbs, foods to better align with the moon and myself.

Foods: Almond, Banana, Cabbage, leafy vegetables, seaweed, strawberry, watercress,

Herbs: Arrowleaf, Chamomile, Chickweed, Evening Primrose, Marshmallow, Mugwort, Orris, Passion flower, Purslane, Gooseberry, Geranium, Witch Hazel, Hibiscus, High Mallow, Star Anise,

Oils: Lotus, Geranium

Check out the website above and any other resources you can locate and let me know what herbs and foods you would like to incorporate into your diet to align with the moon.


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