New Moon in Cancer : Change is the Only Constant

Sun and Moon in Cancer (6th) All the feels all the time. That’s pretty much it. Think emotional security. How do you keep yourself and those that you care about safe? Cancer season and energy always brings me to that creation energy present in the primordial waters. The majority of our world is made upContinueContinue reading “New Moon in Cancer : Change is the Only Constant”

Full Moon in Cancer: A New World

Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Capricorn                 Well this is an energetic shift! This is the first time in a WHILE that our planetary engagement with Capricorn features only Pluto with the swiftly moving additions of the Sun and Mercury. This will be a fun Full Moon! We will want to put time and energy intoContinueContinue reading “Full Moon in Cancer: A New World”

New Moon in Cancer 2017: Active Emotional Empowerment -Taking Your Life Back

Greetings beloveds, We have changed seasons moving from the light of spring to the waters of summer. As the season start with the cardinal signs, we moved astrologically into the sign of Cancer on the summer solstice. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year representing how we at this time are ableContinueContinue reading “New Moon in Cancer 2017: Active Emotional Empowerment -Taking Your Life Back”