New Moon in Pisces: The Dream of the Ram and the Goat

Let’s talk about the energy of this time with a run-down of the current astrological placements. March 6 Venus and Mercury in Aries March 8 Jupiter Retrograde March 14 Jupiter semi-square Saturn March 17 New moon in Pisces; Mars enter Capricorn March 30 Sun enters Aries March 22 Mercury Retrograde in Aries What does allContinueContinue reading “New Moon in Pisces: The Dream of the Ram and the Goat”

The Divination Toolkit: The Tarot Series-The Star

XVII The Star A woman kneels her hands holding two jars, one jar pours the waters of life onto the Earth and a second jar which pours water into a pool. Next to the woman is a bird or butterfly in a tree. High above them an 8 pointed star surrounded by 7 smaller stars,ContinueContinue reading “The Divination Toolkit: The Tarot Series-The Star”

Yuletide Cheer

Greetings beloveds, This is a season for joy and cheer. Hopefully you all are each having a lovely day surrounded by loved ones. For those of you who aren’t experiencing the best of times this season or this time of year is always difficult for you, I pray that you are able to find waysContinueContinue reading “Yuletide Cheer”

Freedom Comes at a Price: Releasing Our False Selves

Greetings loves, We are moving from the depths of our being to the freedom that comes from when we truly know who we are as we transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius astrologically. While Scorpio rules over the 8th house which is centered on our position to and experiences with love, sex, taxes, debt, and death.ContinueContinue reading “Freedom Comes at a Price: Releasing Our False Selves”