28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise

Day 2 Connecting with your heart exercise Are you feeling that heart energy? It’s a soft, gentle, tug that flows from the center of your chest to your crown. It swirls through your brow brushing out the clouds of lowness. Bringing a sense of euphoria and celebration. It moves gentle down through your root, legs,ContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise”

28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise

Day 2 Connecting with your heart exercise Are you feeling that heart energy? It’s a soft, gentle, tug that flows from the center of your chest to your crown. It swirls through your brow brushing out the clouds of lowness. Bringing a sense of euphoria and celebration. It moves gentle down through your root, legs,ContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise”

28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise

Day 2 Connecting with your heart exercise Are you feeling that heart energy? It’s a soft, gentle, tug that flows from the center of your chest to your crown. It swirls through your brow brushing out the clouds of lowness. Bringing a sense of euphoria and celebration. It moves gentle down through your root, legs,ContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise”

Goddesses of Life and Death: Pele and Relationship to Inner Divine Feminine

Greetings beloveds, Today in my work with Madame Pele I explored what her stories which included her sisters could reveal about the relationship between the self and our inner divine feminine. There are several tales of Madame Pele with her siblings but here are few shared from Robert’s Hawaii which you can visit here. OneContinueContinue reading “Goddesses of Life and Death: Pele and Relationship to Inner Divine Feminine”

28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise

Day 2 Connecting with your heart exercise Are you feeling that heart energy? It’s a soft, gentle, tug that flows from the center of your chest to your crown. It swirls through your brow brushing out the clouds of lowness. Bringing a sense of euphoria and celebration. It moves gentle down through your root, legs,ContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise”

Reflections: Sovereignty Through Shadow and Ancestor Reverence

Greetings beloveds, I must say that April was an active month full of change and growth. I spent most of my time meeting, befriending, and integrating my shadow. I am still learning so many aspects of myself but it gets easier every day. I learn more everyday and I am cannot wait to see whatContinueContinue reading “Reflections: Sovereignty Through Shadow and Ancestor Reverence”

28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise

Day 2 Connecting with your heart exercise Are you feeling that heart energy? It’s a soft, gentle, tug that flows from the center of your chest to your crown. It swirls through your brow brushing out the clouds of lowness. Bringing a sense of euphoria and celebration. Heart Connection Exercise Find a comfortable spot whereContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise”

Laying Down the Sword

Greetings loves, As you all know I’ve been doing quite a bit of self work. In doing so I’ve been reading the work of Alison Armstrong and to say it’s been an eye opener is a bit of an understatement. Ughhhhh we talked in my witchy circle the other day about how sometimes when doingContinueContinue reading “Laying Down the Sword”

Discipline and Change

Greetings beloveds, Today was a beautiful day here in North Texas. The sun was shining and it was a moderate temperature. Just a delightful day. I met one of my dear friends for a quick bite to eat and chat. During our conversation I mentioned to her my difficulty with acting as the receiver withinContinueContinue reading “Discipline and Change”

Freedom Comes at a Price: Releasing Our False Selves

Greetings loves, We are moving from the depths of our being to the freedom that comes from when we truly know who we are as we transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius astrologically. While Scorpio rules over the 8th house which is centered on our position to and experiences with love, sex, taxes, debt, and death.ContinueContinue reading “Freedom Comes at a Price: Releasing Our False Selves”