Full Moon in Aquarius: Temperance of the Heart and Mind

Photo by Miriam Espacio on Pexels.com Sun and Mars in Leo (opposition to the Moon and Saturn)                 Hello sunshine! We have a dynamic duo in Leo with the Sun and Mars. This is amazing and excellent energy. I mean if you aren’t having a good time this full moon, I don’t know what you’reContinueContinue reading “Full Moon in Aquarius: Temperance of the Heart and Mind”

28 Days of Love: Basking in the Glow of Love

Hi Lovies, Can you believe it? 28 Days of Love is coming to a close today. Over the past 4 weeks we have connected with our heart, mind, body, and home/living spaces to find clarity and bring ourselves into alignment with the energy of love. How do you feel? Take a moment to integrate theContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Basking in the Glow of Love”

28 Days of Love: Week 4 The Connection between the Heart and Home

Hi Lovies, This month has gone by so quickly! I have to admit though I have been looking forward to this week since I started this project. Week 4 is all about creating a loving heart centered living space. Why do I find this to be the most appealing topic of them all? Because ourContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Week 4 The Connection between the Heart and Home”

28 Days of Love: The Sacral Energy Center

Photo by Fabiano Rodrigues on Pexels.com Hi Lovies, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! Today we will be exploring the second energy center of the human form connected to the physical body and movement; the sacral chakra. The sacral energy center houses the energy of creativity, passion, sexuality, and happiness. Our sexualityContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: The Sacral Energy Center”

28 Days of Love: The Physiology of the Mind

Hi Lovies, I hope that the exercises and information that has been shared about how our thoughts affect our reality have been useful for you. Changing the way we think effects the energy we attract and in turn the types of relationships that we will have with ourselves and others. It is also important toContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: The Physiology of the Mind”

28 Days of Love: The Power of Focus

Hi Lovies! Now that we’ve covered ways to clear our mind, we can begin to direct our thoughts towards sending energy towards creating the life we desire. We’ve all heard of the law of attraction which states that what appears in our life depends on the energy we put out – whether we are awareContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: The Power of Focus”

28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Higher Self

Day 3 Connecting With Your Higher Self When looking for love we often search outside of ourselves. Buying things, eating rich comfort food, in the company of friends, family, and romantic partners, in various forms of entertainment. Yet, no matter how fulfilling these connections may be, they are nothing in comparison to the connection toContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Higher Self”

28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise

Day 2 Connecting with your heart exercise Are you feeling that heart energy? It’s a soft, gentle, tug that flows from the center of your chest to your crown. It swirls through your brow brushing out the clouds of lowness. Bringing a sense of euphoria and celebration. It moves gentle down through your root, legs,ContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Connecting With Your Heart Exercise”

28 Days of Love: Basking in the Glow of Love

Greetings beloveds, Can you believe it? 28 Days of Love is coming to a close today. Over the past 4 weeks we have connected with our heart, mind, body, and home/living spaces to find clarity and bring ourselves into alignment with the energy of love. How do you feel? Take a moment to integrate theContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Basking in the Glow of Love”

28 Days of Love: Week 4 The Connection between the Heart and Home

Greetings beloveds, This month has gone by so quickly! I have to admit though I have been looking forward to this week since I started this project. Week 4 is all about creating a loving heart centered living space. Why do I find this to be the most appealing topic of them all? Because ourContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Love: Week 4 The Connection between the Heart and Home”