Moon Phases: Chiron and the Wounded Healer

Greetings beloveds, Yesterday the moon moved from Aquarius to Pisces and was 87% illuminated. The energy still felt calm and smooth. Yesterday after learning more about my moon aspects in my natal chart I became interested in learning more about my Moon semisquare Chiron. I decided to dedicate my meditation to connecting with this energy.ContinueContinue reading “Moon Phases: Chiron and the Wounded Healer”

The Death of the Phoenix

Greetings beloveds, I speak of death and the underworld often because so many are experiencing journey’s through the underworld that are causing their lives to go up in flames. Death cannot be escaped as it is the doorway to new life. It’s painful. It’s scary. It’s dark and brutal. It makes you wish you hadContinueContinue reading “The Death of the Phoenix”

The Lesson of the Meat Hook

Greetings beloveds, I hope you are doing well and know you are loved. It seems though that quite a few folks are going through a journey within the underworld. I have referenced the story of Inanna often which you can find a quick summary of here under Autumn Equinox. At this time we are aboutContinueContinue reading “The Lesson of the Meat Hook”

Freedom Comes at a Price: Releasing Our False Selves

Greetings loves, We are moving from the depths of our being to the freedom that comes from when we truly know who we are as we transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius astrologically. While Scorpio rules over the 8th house which is centered on our position to and experiences with love, sex, taxes, debt, and death.ContinueContinue reading “Freedom Comes at a Price: Releasing Our False Selves”

Feeling the Heat

Greetings loves, To say this has been a time of transition and transformation would be an understatement. From what it sounds like everyone has been experiencing a lot of change as well. Whether its been career wise, romantic, platonic, family, vehicle, home, or spiritually life is about change. It’s about growth. That isn’t always easyContinueContinue reading “Feeling the Heat”

I See You

I see you when you feel like no one else does. I feel your pain, your passion, your fear, your triumph, your need to move forward and heal. I see you. We see you. From now on do not fear and feel that you are alone because you never are. Do you need a senseContinueContinue reading “I See You”

Tools for Healing

So there’s been so much going on lately. Just so much. SO what do we do about it? What do we do when our heart breaks or we feel like it’s just too much? I hope you have some tools but if you don’t here are a few. *Go outside and sit in the sun.ContinueContinue reading “Tools for Healing”

Coming Up for Air

Greetings, I had a move towards my purpose. For what I was meant to do. I shared an opinion today where as I usually do not and keep these things to myself. The person responded in a total backlash eventually blocking me. I hold some trauma from interacting with others and being railroaded then rejected.ContinueContinue reading “Coming Up for Air”

The Aftermath

Yesterday was without a doubt traumatic. Here we are called to not only use the skills that we have learned through our spiritual, emotional, and psychological work but also to take a stand for better policies and legislation. Our inner work should reflect externally and this means that as a whole we have to transformContinueContinue reading “The Aftermath”

Joy in the Darkness

  Today my heart goes out to all those who are discriminated, hated, and judged. This post is not going to be clean and tidy so if you are opposed to strong language then please switch to another page. Life is fucking hard. It can suck and some folks are just not nice. That’s aContinueContinue reading “Joy in the Darkness”