28 Days of Gratitude

Hello lovies, Can you believe it is almost November? In roughly 2 months it is will be 2020. It’s amazing how time flies. I am so excited to curate another 28 day adventure with you all. You may be familiar with The Bliss Institute’s 28 Days of Love where we spend the month of FebruaryContinueContinue reading “28 Days of Gratitude”

November Writing Prompt: Giving Thanks

Greetings beloveds! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today let’s explore what we are thankful for. Not just the usual family, good health, prosperity, or love. But for our shadows that benefit us.  Here’s our prompt: “Today I am thankful for my shadow…” and just write what comes to mind. You may beContinueContinue reading “November Writing Prompt: Giving Thanks”

The Power of Gratitude: Foods for Giving Thanks

Greetings beloveds, We are nearing the time of giving thanks and gathering with our loved ones. Gratitude can change your life. It shifts the way that we see what happens for us. Often we get into just go mode. We make a plan and we move towards it. Checking off boxes, deciding that what mattersContinueContinue reading “The Power of Gratitude: Foods for Giving Thanks”

Decorating the Home for the Celebration Season

Greetings beloveds, I have been prepping for Thanksgiving and know soon I will changing the decorations for Winter Solstice and New Years. Although my mother is the real tactile artist in our family (my sis is the musical genius), I did learn from her how to create a cozy home for the various seasons. Here’sContinueContinue reading “Decorating the Home for the Celebration Season”

The Power of Gratitude: Foods for Giving Thanks

Greetings beloveds, We are nearing the time of giving thanks and gathering with our loved ones. Gratitude can change your life. It shifts the way that we see what happens for us. Often we get into just go mode. We make a plan and we move towards it. Checking off boxes, deciding that what mattersContinueContinue reading “The Power of Gratitude: Foods for Giving Thanks”

Life After Death: November’s Call to Reset

Greetings beloveds, I hope you all are well. The weather is shifting quickly in alignment with the rapid shifting of our spiritual states. We are pulling in. Moving to focus our energy on the internal. Our souls, our emotions, our thoughts and minds in a tangible way. This also draws our attention to our interactionsContinueContinue reading “Life After Death: November’s Call to Reset”

Conscious Consumption

Greetings beloveds, I hope yesterday was filled with love and gratitude whether you participate or abstain from Thanksgiving. My prayers to you all are that you feel loved and cherished. Know that regardless of where you are that things can change. Being open to transformation is what gives us the ability to grow and experienceContinueContinue reading “Conscious Consumption”

Giving Thanks

Greetings loves, I wish you the greatest peace, love, and abundance at this time. May we be able to express gratitude for all that is wonderful within our lives and for all that we would like to have come to us in the next year. Know that you are never alone and that if neededContinueContinue reading “Giving Thanks”