New Moon in Capricorn

Greetings beloveds! Now, I don’t know about the rest of you but I LOVE Capricorns. They are focused, practical, grounded, and great at making/keeping plans. So I am very excited for this new moon in Capricorn. Not only will this give us a supportive framework upon which to put our lives back together  but alsoContinueContinue reading “New Moon in Capricorn”

December 2016 Full Moon in Gemini

Greetings beloveds, I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the cold whether that has been moving across the US over the past week. We are definitely heading into the winter season. It’s been such an emotional roller coaster for quite a few folks. There have been a lot of astrological aspects which haveContinueContinue reading “December 2016 Full Moon in Gemini”

Preparing for Winter

Greetings beloveds, I hope all is well with you. Are you excited for the upcoming winter season here in the Northern Hemisphere? This can be a super magical time of year depending on how you harness the energy of this time. This is not a time of exertion but of inner work and healing. CheckContinueContinue reading “Preparing for Winter”

Flowing with the Seasons: Overview

Greetings beloveds, Here at The Bliss Institute we attempt to flow with the seasons. Letting the energy of that space and time lead our actions and intentions. Depending on where you are located your immediate surrounding environment will effect just how you connect with that season at that time. Even as you travel this willContinueContinue reading “Flowing with the Seasons: Overview”

New Moon in Sagittarius:Releasing the Reigns

Greetings loves, Today is a new moon in Sagittarius. As a time for festivities and relinquishing control over our more basal instincts we are all preparing for the holiday season. The sign of Sagittarius is all about freedom, fun, and new experiences. They are ruled by Jupiter, the planet associated with luck but also awareness ofContinueContinue reading “New Moon in Sagittarius:Releasing the Reigns”

Conscious Consumption

Greetings beloveds, I hope yesterday was filled with love and gratitude whether you participate or abstain from Thanksgiving. My prayers to you all are that you feel loved and cherished. Know that regardless of where you are that things can change. Being open to transformation is what gives us the ability to grow and experienceContinueContinue reading “Conscious Consumption”

Full Moon in Taurus

Greetings loves, I know that we are all going through a difficult time right now trying to understand where we stand and the state of our society. This is a timely topic for the upcoming full moon in Taurus. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac residing over the home and material beauty. TaurusContinueContinue reading “Full Moon in Taurus”

Thinning Veils

Greetings beloveds, I hope you are well. Have you felt a ease in the energies that you are experiencing? Has it become easier to rest in your truth and share from your soul? If so feel free to share how this came about and what you plan to do with this newfound ease in being.ContinueContinue reading “Thinning Veils”

Feeling the Heat

Greetings loves, To say this has been a time of transition and transformation would be an understatement. From what it sounds like everyone has been experiencing a lot of change as well. Whether its been career wise, romantic, platonic, family, vehicle, home, or spiritually life is about change. It’s about growth. That isn’t always easyContinueContinue reading “Feeling the Heat”